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How much does Fractional Skin Resurfacing and Skin Tightening with the Pixel Laser Cost?

How much does Fractional Skin Resurfacing and Skin Tightening with the Pixel Laser Cost?Pixel laser fractional skin resurfacing is a proven skin rejuvenation med spa procedure for people who seek to mitigate signs of aging, sun damage, and various other skin aberrations in a non-surgical manner.

At the time of the pre-treatment consultation, the provider will inform the patient on various facets of the procedure, including its estimated costs.

The main goal of a responsible treatment provider will be to enable the patient to make an informed choice. The patient should unhesitatingly ask the provider questions on the costs and other factors.

Pixel laser skin tightening is typically undertaken as an elective cosmetic treatment. This means that the patient will likely not receive insurance coverage for this procedure.

Motykie Medical Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, provides Pixel Laser treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


Cost Comparison

Pixel laser skin resurfacing treatment will be less expensive compared to a cosmetic surgery procedure such as a facelift. Surgical procedures typically involve costs such as the surgeon’s fee, general anesthesia, surgical venue costs, and pre and post-operative expenses.

Pixel laser skin tightening, on the other hand, is an outpatient treatment that can be undertaken in-office. For this reason, it does not involve the additional costs that are associated with cosmetic surgery.

Some patients may want to understand the cost comparison between Pixel laser skin resurfacing and other non-invasive options such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, IPL skin rejuvenation, and soft tissue filler injections.

While some of these med spa procedures may be less expensive than pixel laser skin tightening, they may not create similar results. With these factors in mind, the patient should assess their budget, skin condition, and cosmetic goals prior to making a final decision.


Cost Variations

Pixel laser skin resurfacing procedures involve the use of different laser techniques and technologies. The choice is dependent on the depth of the skin aberrations that need to be treated.

The number of treatment sessions and treatment sites may vary between patients. The treatment costs for a patient who needs only two to three treatment sessions will be less than those for patients requiring five to six sessions to address their aesthetic needs and create desirable outcomes.

Another factor that will affect the cost of Pixel laser skin resurfacing treatment is the geographical location of the practice. Practices that are located in main urban centers and busy metropolitan cities typically have higher overhead and real estate costs compared to practices situated in small towns in interior regions.

The level of personalized care, quality standards, safety protocols, type of technology, and qualified support staff at the med spa chosen by the patient also affects the total costs of the procedure to a certain extent.

At the time of the pre-treatment consultation, the patient should openly ask questions related to the costs and make a well-considered decision after a thorough comparison of the costs and benefits with other treatment alternatives.



The patient should seek payment option information from the provider or their team beforehand. A majority of patients will be eligible for third-party financing by professional medical care financing companies at reasonable interest rates and convenient payment terms.

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for Pixel Laser skin rejuvenation treatments.


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How much does Fractional Skin Resurfacing and Skin Tightening with the Pixel Laser Cost?

To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood and his team please visit:

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