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Types of Dermal Fillers

Types of Dermal Fillers

Types of Dermal Fillers | West Hollywood Medical Spa | Beverly HillsIn the US market, dermal fillers currently rank as the second most popular cosmetic medspa procedure after Botox. A range of innovative and advanced FDA approved dermal filler injectables are available today to rejuvenate and volumize certain areas of the face.
Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other cities across the landscape have an opportunity to receive dermal filler injections at Motykie medical spa, which is led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie.


Restylane is one of the leading cosmetic facial fillers designed to mitigate the effects of facial aging. Restylane filler gel is composed of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a naturally occurring substance in the human body and acts to firm up the skin structure. Restylane injections can fill in the wrinkles and fine lines, and also lubricate and moisten the facial skin to make it appear smoother and more youthful.

Juvederm Ultra

Juvederm Ultra is popular medspa injectable procedure designed to treat moderate wrinkles and fine lines on the face. The injection procedure can be applied closer to the skin surface for thinner skin sites such as the lines around the nose and mouth. Juvederm Ultra can also be injected in delicate sites such as the lips to enhance lip definition. Juvederm can treat most areas of the face, including aging lines around the forehead, nose and mouth.


Radiesse is an advanced filler to treat deeper lines and wrinkles around the mouth and nose. These may include nasolabial folds, laugh lines, and marionette lines. Radiesse gel includes microspheres of a calcium compound, which is naturally found in the human body. The microspheres are suspended in a gel, which can volumize the thinning or depleted sites of the face. Results with Radiesse can last for last long as two years.

Juvederm Voluma

Juvederm Voluma has a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid in it, which allows it to be a stronger and more sustainable filler gel. The FDA has specifically approved Voluma for cheek rejuvenation, and can add substantive volume and contour to the cheeks. It is ideal for patients bothered about a sunken or think cheek appear, who want to attain a fuller, rounder face. Juvederm Voluma results can often last for up to two years.

Restylane Lyft

Restylane Lyft plays a similar role as Juvederm Voluma, and can volumize a depleted midface. The treatment has earned its name because it provides a subtle lift to the sagging facial skin. Motykie medical spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for cosmetic facial filler injections.


Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic-acid-based facial filler, which is designed to add substantive volume to the face and treat facial lines and wrinkles. It is well-suited for patients who have suffered from facial fat loss due to lipoatrophy, and have a sunken look of the mid-face, thin lips and depressions under the eyes. Sculptra injectable procedure is popularly dubbed as a liquid facelift because of its deep volumizing effects and very long lasting results.

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To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

Hair Restoration Candidates

Hair Restoration

shutterstock_122348704Hair loss is a common condition affecting both men and women. Innovative and advanced medspa procedures for hair restoration are available today. People suffering from permanent baldness or thinning hair can benefit from cutting edge hair restoration techniques such as SmartGraft.
During the initial consultation, the treatment provider will determine the patient’s candidacy before recommending them a suitable procedure. Motykie medical spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, provides hair restoration treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and also to communities that are around these cities.

When to Consider Hair Restoration?

Anyone who is unhappy with the current growth and thickness of their hair may consider hair restoration. However, specific solutions will vary for people with different types of hair loss. Candidates should learn about the new treatments available today by reading over the Internet or seek a consultation at a qualified medspa to know about their best treatment options.
In general, a healthy person may consider hair restoration procedures when:

  • They have thinning hair
  • They suffer from bald spots
  • They have a receding hairline


Individuals with the following attributes will usually make ideal candidates for hair restoration procedures:

  • Suffering from male or female pattern baldness
  • Having increasingly thinning hair
  • The hair loss is not temporary, and not an outcome of medication, stress or some medical treatment
  • The hair loss is causing personal cosmetic concern
  • Certain areas of the head still have sufficient hair growth and follicles that can be utilized for grafting
  • The patient recognizes that the treatment and results can take several months or over a year
  • The patient is in good general health, has a positive state of mind, and reasonable expectations

Candidates with realistic expectations will understand the hair restoration process will take time, and may involve periods of temporary hair shedding, re-growth, and slow progress. They should be committed to the treatment plan as advised by the hair restoration expert.
Some people may have experienced hair loss due to trauma or burn injury, or following other cosmetic procedures. They can also benefit from hair restoration treatments. Some men who have been losing hair for several years and if their pattern has stabilized, they can add some new hair to achieve a more youthful look.

Basic Requisites

If the candidate is looking for a permanent hair replacement procedure such as SmartGraft, they should have an adequate amount of hair in the donor sites of the scalp. In case of male candidates, the sites will be typically at the back and sides of the scalp. Male baldness will usually occur in the top and front of the scalp. Hair in the donor sites can be used for grafting in the recipient areas for uniform hair re-growth.
While age is not a rigid criterion to determine candidacy for hair restoration, a permanent hair replacement procedure is often suited for candidates above the age of 40. In case of younger men, the nature of growth patterns can be unpredictable, particularly when they are below the age of 30.
This may make some of them less suitable candidates. Motykie medical spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for hair restoration.
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To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon before Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin Resurfacing Questions | Beverly Hills Medical SpaLaser skin resurfacing has emerged as a supreme, salient, and proven medspa procedure to rejuvenate the skin without surgery. During the pre-treatment consultation, the patient will have the opportunity to ask questions about the procedure and satisfy their concerns before going ahead with it.
A responsible treatment provider will address all the concerns and doubts of the patient in detail, and help them make an educated decision. Patients should ideally prepare a list of questions in advance and carry it to the consultation so that nothing important is missed out.
If the patient is fully clear on all aspects of the laser skin resurfacing treatment, they will feel more confident and will be able to make the right choices related to the procedure. Motykie medical spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, provides laser skin resurfacing to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and also a plethora of neighborhoods in this part of the country.

Necessity of Questions

It is crucial to ask questions to spark some clarification about the procedure before in order to:

  • Make a well-considered and informed decision about going ahead with laser skin resurfacing
  • Determine that the patient has chosen the appropriate medspa laser treatment provider.
  • Make the initial consultation process as productive as possible
  • Learn about the treatment options, potential outcomes, and potential risks and complications
  • Get a clear estimate about the costs involved and compare it with other treatment alternatives

To achieve successful and satisfactory results, it is paramount for a patient to take an active role in the procedure.

Questions to Ask

  • Do you have specific training in the field laser skin resurfacing procedures?
  • Have you performed laser skin resurfacing in the past, and what is your success rate?
  • Will you perform the procedure under the guidance or supervision of a plastic surgeon?
  • Where and how will you perform my laser procedure?
  • How many treatment sessions may be necessary to achieve my skin resurfacing goals?
  • Am I a suitable candidate for laser procedure?
  • Would you recommend any additional procedures to help me achieve my goals?
  • Are there any risks or complications associated with laser treatments that I should be aware of?
  • How long will it take to perform one treatment session?
  • Will the treatment involve local anesthesia?
  • Is it going to be painful during or after the treatment?
  • Are the results that I am seeking realistic and reasonable?
  • Will the treatment result in any scarring?
  • Am I required to do some kind of prior preparation for the laser treatment?
  • How much downtime will be involved, and when can I resume my normal routine?
  • Do I have any options for a revision procedure if the cosmetic results of the treatment do not meet the goals we agree upon?
  • What will the laser skin resurfacing procedure cost me?

Motykie medical spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for laser skin resurfacing and various other cosmetic procedures.

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To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

Fat Injections as Dermal Fillers

Fat Injections as Dermal Fillers | Beverly Hills Medical SpaFat injections are a facial fat sculpting procedure performed at a medspa to restore more youthful contours to areas such as the cheeks, chin, and under-eye area. Fat injections can also be used to volumize the lips.
Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and also a plenitude of communities across the horizon have an opportunity to receive fat injections as dermal fillers at Motykie medical spa, which is led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie.

Autologous Fat Transfer

Fat injection procedure for facial enhancement is considered a safe treatment option because it uses the patient’s own body fat from surplus fat areas. The excess fat is injected into the depleted or sunken areas of the face to create a fuller, rounder face. As the patient’s own fat is utilized, the procedure of fat transfer will involve three steps.
Firstly, some amount of excess fat will be gently removed from a donor site using liposuction. The second step involves isolating and cleansing the fat cells for transfer. The third and final step involves fat cell transplantation, which is done by injecting the fat cells into the targeted recipient sites of the face. The procedure can be performed at a qualified medspa on an outpatient basis.

Cosmetic Benefits

Facial fat injections can effectively remove aging signs such as frown lines, smile lines and marionette lines. It will help to mitigate furrows and deep wrinkles and creases, and fill the facial hollows under the cheekbones or under the eyes. If the lips have lost volume over the years, they can be rejuvenated with fat injections. Depressions and scars in the face can also be smoothed out with this injectable procedure.
Patients who suffer from lipoatrophy can benefit from facial fat transfer injections, and regain pleasing contours of the face. In some cases, fat transfer can complement dermal filler injections such as Radiesse or Juvederm Voluma. An advantage with autologous fat transfer is that no prior allergy tests will be required. Effects of fat injections can last from several months to two years. In some cases, the effects can sustain for several year or indefinitely.


In the first step of the procedure, the treatment provider will perform gentle liposuction to remove some amount of surplus fat from a donor site, which could be the buttocks, abdomen, hips, or thighs. Very low suction liposuction is applied to collect maximum undamaged fat cells. The collected fat is then spun through a centrifugal process to separate wholly undamaged fat cells, which will be used for facial fat transfer.
The purified fat cells are then injected into the marked areas of the face. A hypodermic syringe will be used to inject the fat cells at the desired depth. Recovery following the injections is quick, and many patients can return to their normal routine within hours or a day or two. Results will become apparent almost immediately, and will fully establish as the swelling recedes.
Motykie medical spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for facial fat transfer injections.

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To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

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