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How long does vitamin IV therapy last?

How long does vitamin IV therapy last?

How long does vitamin IV therapy last? | Beverly Hills | Los AngelesVitamin IV therapy delivers vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream. This offers 100 percent delivery of benefits directly to the target body systems.

This med spa therapy is not meant to act as a substitute for oral intake of supplements. However, it acts as a supplement or alternative solution to rapidly replenish vital nutrients and rehydrate the body to restore its peak balance.

Motykie Medical Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, provides Vitamin IV therapy to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.


Advantages of Vitamin IV therapy

Vitamin IV therapy is similar to IV hydration, and it directly delivers 100 percent of vitamins and supplements into the body. Upon ingestion, vitamins and nutrients need to go through the absorption barrier of the digestive system.

A person would need to intake a larger amount of vitamins and nutrients more frequently to attain a concentration that is similar to IV or intramuscular supplementation.

The intake of a large number of vitamins orally can upset the stomach. In some cases, the absorption of these nutrients can be severely limited causing deficiencies that can disrupt the delicate balance of the body.


Effects of Vitamin IV Therapy

Every person has a different body. In general, the more deficient and unbalanced a person’s system is, the greater and more rapid effect they will feel.

Just because an individual may not feel an instant difference, it does not mean that the therapy is not effective. Vitamin IV therapy is the clinical gold standard in eliminating unwanted toxins from the body and helping it attain balance.


Sustainability of Effects

The sustainability of the effects will again differ depending on the individual and their health status. While the noticeable effects usually last for two to four days, the underlying medical benefits sustain for much longer than that.


Candidates for Vitamin IV therapy

Vitamin IV therapy is being used for various health concerns. Patients with the following conditions have responded well to these treatments:

  • Asthma
  • Migraines
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Muscle spasms
  • Pain
  • Allergies
  • Sinus and respiratory tract infections

Apart from the above, various other disease states, including hyperthyroidism and angina, have shown promising outcomes with Vitamin IV therapy. In addition, many people also use vitamin infusion therapy for rapid rehydration after an intense sporting event (such as running a marathon, enhanced skin clarity, and to cure a hangover.

Good candidates for vitamin infusion therapy include people who are not able to eat sufficient amounts of food, or who have a condition that interferes with the absorption of nutrients.

The reasons for which Vitamin IV therapy is most sought-after include stress relief, ridding the body of toxins, balancing hormones, boosting immunity, and making the skin healthier.

While there are many positive anecdotal claims of revitalization and relief, there is no conclusive evidence supporting these claims. Water-soluble vitamins are used in the IV drips. Therefore, the body discards any excess vitamins through the kidney into the urine after using what it needs.


Vitamins and Mineral in Vitamin IV Therapy

There are no restrictions on the type of vitamins that can be used in this therapy. However, the ideal vitamins for this treatment are those that are natural to an individual’s body and can be measured with levels to ensure that the IV infusion is given at an appropriate dose.

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for Vitamin IV therapy.


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What are the benefits of vitamin IV therapy?

What are the benefits of vitamin IV therapy? | Beverly HillsThe fastest and most definitive way to deliver nutrients to the body is through Vitamin Intravenous (IV) therapy.

This med spa procedure makes sure that the vitamins and other minerals go into the bloodstream directly. In this process, the vitamins and minerals bypass the digestive system. Therefore, the outcomes are quicker and more effective.

There is 100 percent absorption and minimal waste with Vitamin IV therapy. Vitamin infusion therapy helps the nutrients and supplements reach the cells that need them the most. The treatment has the potential to affect and enhance a wide range of body systems.

Motykie Medical Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, provides Vitamin IV therapy to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


Main Benefits of Vitamin IV Therapy

Benefit #1: Enhanced Wellness

Vitamin IV therapy can enhance a person’s physical well-being as well as specific aspects of emotional wellness, such as depression or anxiety, by providing the body with the tools that need to remain in peak condition.

The ideal balance of vitamins and minerals is essential for proper bodily functions. It helps an individual feel better, fall sick less often, and enjoy mental clarity.

The human body requires a certain amount of vitamins and minerals every day to maintain its normal function. The exact amount differs between people, and life’s demands can make it challenging to intake the necessary amounts of these vital nutrients.

Vitamin IV therapy enhances a person’s general wellness by providing 100 percent of the vitamins and supplements the body needs to:

  • Boost energy levels
  • Improve anxiety
  • Enhance immune health
  • Improve depression symptoms
  • Enhance cognitive function and mental clarity
  • Improve asthma symptoms
  • Reduce the migraine symptoms
  • Counter fatigue
  • Maintain the muscle and tissue strength
  • Improve allergies
  • Accelerate wound healing

Vitamin IV therapy is a quick and convenient way to offer the body the support it requires to keep a person feeling healthy and vibrant all year round.


Benefit #2: Accentuated Beauty

Beauty Vitamin IV med spa therapy is a special blend of vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients to enhance physical appearance. This formula can detoxify the body and revitalize the skin from within.

Vitamin IV therapy comprises antioxidants to target and eradicate free radicals which are molecules that cause aging and tissue damage. This therapy involves nutrients such as glutathione and biotin which can address UV damage, mitigate the appearance of wrinkles, and protect the body against toxins.

Vitamin IV therapy can enhance the appearance of an individual by:

  • Preventing the adverse effects of free radicals
  • Slowing down the process of aging
  • Strengthening the nails, skin, eyes, and hair
  • Brightening skin
  • Improving the appearance of blemishes


Benefit #3: Enhanced Athletic Performance

Vitamin IV therapy for athletes is designed to eliminate toxins, enhance healing, provide quick and proper rehydration, and maintain tissues and muscles. This therapy contains amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins that help the body recover and build muscles.

The advantages of Vitamin IV therapy for athletes are:

  • Offers rapid and effective hydration
  • Enhance athletic performance
  • Reduce recovery time
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Decrease recovery time
  • Support the recovery of muscles
  • Maintain healthy tissue and muscle
  • Flush out toxins due to exercise in a natural way
  • Pre-exercise endurance enhancer
  • Part of a recovery plan following a workout or competition

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for Vitamin IV therapy.


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Is it safe to use Botox for the long-term?

Is it safe to use Botox for the long-term? | Beverly HillsThe main component of Botox injections is botulinum toxin type A. The bacterium Clostridium botulinum produces this neurotoxin.


Attention to Detail

If administered wrongly, this is the same toxin that can cause botulism, which is a life-threatening condition. However, the effects of botulinum toxin type A can be aesthetically appealing and medical safe when it is injected correctly in small, precise doses.

Once the medication is injected, Botox obstructs the signals from the nerves to the muscles. This prevents the injected muscles from contracting. Botox med spa treatment is beneficial for certain muscular conditions as well as for enhancing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for Botox injectable treatment.


Is it Botox Safe?

Botulinum toxin is very powerful, but small does are considered safe, and Botox injections comprise small doses of Botox.

The safety of Botox injections is highlighted by the fact that the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported only 36 cases of adverse effects from the cosmetic use of Botox between 1989 and 2003. Furthermore, thirteen of these cases may be related to an underlying condition rather than Botox itself.

Some researchers contend that the cosmetic use of Botox may involve less risk than therapeutic Botox injections as the doses in the former application are typically much smaller.

According to a 2005 study, the adverse effects of Botox were more likely reported with a therapeutic application. The reason for such reactions may be an underlying condition or the requirement of higher doses to treat the condition. Regardless, the overall risk of Botox use is minimal, and it is largely considered a safe drug.

Patients should always work with a cosmetic surgeon or board-certified dermatologist for Botox injectables. Side-effects from the treatment are more likely if the injections are not prepared according to FDA guidelines or injected by an inexperienced doctor.

The patient should not undergo Botox med spa treatment if she is pregnant or nursing.


What are the Side Effects to watch for?

Botox injectable treatment is relatively safe, but the patient may experience minor side effects such as:

  • Headache
  • Pain, inflammation, or bruising at the injection site
  • Fever
  • Chills

Some Botox side effects are related to the injection area. For instance, upon receiving injections in the eye area, the patient may experience:

  • Uneven eyebrows
  • Drooping lids
  • Excessive tearing
  • Dry eyes

A majority of the side effects are temporary and generally resolve within a few days. Importantly, side effects such as drooping lids, asymmetry, and drooling occur due to the unintentional impact of the toxin on the muscles around the treatment sites of the medication. Such side effects may take many weeks to resolve as the effects of the drug subside gradually.


The Bottom Line

Patients considering Botox treatments should work with a licensed medical practitioner. It may be more inexpensive to work with a provider who is unlicensed, but doing so can increase the risk of complications for the patient. The effects of Botox last from three to six months and the patient will likely need multiple treatments.

There are potential side effects associated with Botox, similar to any cosmetic procedure. Patients should consult their doctors to understand what they can expect during the injection process and recovery phase. Their doctor can answer any questions that they may have on the Botox injectable procedure.

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for Botox.


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Your Botox Med Spa in Beverly Hills, CA

Your Botox Med Spa in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West HollywoodMotykie Medical Spa is an advanced facility that offers patients cutting-edge aesthetic procedures.

Patients who seek noninvasive cosmetic procedures such as Botox injectables or a combination of surgery and noninvasive procedures can attain excellent outcomes at Motykie Med Spa.

Board certified plastic surgery Dr. Gary Motykie leads the med spa. He is a leading plastic surgeon as well as specializes in a wide range of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for the face and body. Botox is among the most sought-after non-surgical treatments for facial rejuvenation at Dr. Motykie’s med spa.

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for Botox injectable treatment.


Botox Treatment

Dr. Motykie is an experienced plastic surgeon who focuses on holistic treatment that can offer excellent results for any patient seeking cosmetic enhancement. He seeks to combine cosmetic surgery with nonsurgical procedures, or entirely replace surgery with less invasive with non-invasive treatments such as Botox wherever possible.

Botox is a popular FDA-approved anti-aging injectable treatment for the face. Botulinum toxin is the active ingredient in Botox injectables, and it is a strong biological agent. This is injected directly into the wrinkle-causing facial muscle. The treatment offers patients almost immediate results with no significant pain or downtime.


Botox Expertise of Dr. Motykie

The FDA approved Botox for the reduction of crow’s feet around the eyes and frown lines between the brows. But the FDA issues a stringent warning that botulinum toxin is a powerful substance, and that it can cause severe side effects with wrong treatment and dosage.

Regardless of the fact that it seems to be a simple procedure, Botox should only be administered by a trained med spa injection provider who has the necessary skills and precision.

Dr. Motykie has significant experience in both surgical and non-surgical procedures. He and his team can administer and supervise Botox injection procedures in a predictable, safe, and targeted way.

Dr. Motykie has a detailed understanding of the facial structure and underlying muscles. This enables him to accomplish the desired outcomes with Botox.


Individualized Treatment

Motykie Medical Spa provides patients with Botox as a standalone procedure or in combination with other procedure.

If the patient has facial volume loss or significant skin laxity, Dr. Motykie may combine Botox with one or more soft tissue filler injections. This procedure is called the “liquid facelift” and can help patients for whom Botox alone may not be appropriate.

Sometimes Botox can also be combined with a facial surgery such as brow lift, facelift, or eyelid lift. This can help reduce the extent of the surgery needed and enable the patient to attain their aesthetic goals without significant facial surgery.

Even for standalone Botox procedures, Dr. Motykie develops a customized treatment plan designed to address the patient’s unique facial structure and achieve their specific cosmetic goals.  


The Motykie Med Spa Difference

  • Dr. Motykie’s aesthetic technicians are certified in Botox use to assist women as well as men in mitigating facial signs of aging such as lines and wrinkles.
  • At the time of the consultation, expert technicians will explain the advantages of neuromodulators and recommend the most suitable one depending on the patient’s aesthetic goals.
  • Dr. Gary Motykie has personally developed every treatment protocol at the med spa and oversees all aesthetic services, including Botox injections.

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for Botox.


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To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood and his team please visit:

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