Traditional hair transplant surgery is a significantly invasive procedure, which will usually involve considerable discomfort and downtime. While for many years patients did not have much of a choice, they now have access to a smarter hair restoration medspa option called SmartGraft.
SmartGraft is a highly innovative procedure that will deliver same or better outcomes than traditional hair transplant in less invasive and more efficient manner. Motykie Medical Spa is a leading provider of SmartGraft to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.
Why Choose SmartGraft?
SmartGraft is a revolutionary medspa technique to restore hair loss or thinning hair without involving the use of a scalpel. As a result, the procedure can be performed in a much more comfortable and gentle manner. The recovery period can be cut down from weeks to just one or two days. Final outcomes are highly satisfying and natural looking for most patients.
The unique SmartGraft technology allows for higher precision and produces results in a gentler way. Extraction, counting, sorting, moistening and preserving of the grafts is performed in a more precise, healthy and scientific manner. Graft survival is better, which leads to improved re-growth of hair in the treated areas. Patients can expect to achieve naturally and permanently fuller head of hair.
Patients with one or more of the following attributes will make good candidates for SmartGraft:
- Pattern baldness or areas of thinning hair
- Receding hairline
- Concerned about the prolonged downtime
- Want to avoid a buzz cut
- Do not want unnatural looking hair restoration
Motykie medical spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for SmartGraft.
- The procedure can be performed only using a local anesthetic.
- A motorized handpiece for graft extraction replaces the scalpel.
- No linear scar on the back of the head.
- Recovery will take just one or two days.
- Results are natural and permanent.
- Discomfort is minimal.
How does SmartGraft Work?
The SmartGraft device gently and precisely extracts grafts from a donor site where the hair is denser and thicker and genetically predisposed to grow. The procedure involves shaving of only small areas of donor sites, enabling easy camouflage. The automated process of SmartGraft allows for fast and accurate counting, sorting, and placing of grafts into a sterile, environmentally controlled container.
The hair grafts are moistened, which cuts down procedure time, and implantation can be performed faster. This ensures a better success rate, producing thicker and shinier hair. SmartGraft procedure does not impose restrictions on hair style, and patients can freely wear any hair style they want.
Distinguishing Features
Motykie Med Spa distinguishes itself from many other providers because of its state of the art technology and experienced staff. The providers are highly trained and qualified in using the SmartGraft technique to deliver safe and sustainable results. Every procedure is performed under the guidance and leadership of board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie who adopts a holistic approach to hair restoration for the best results.
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