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Restylane vs. Juvederm

Restylane vs. Juvederm

Restylane vs. Juvederm | Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West HollywoodRestylane and Juvederm are both hyaluronic acid (HA)-based dermal injectables used to treat signs of skin aging. HA “plumps” the skin reducing the appearance of line and wrinkles as well as augments the lips.

Both of these dermal filler med spa injections include the same basic ingredients. But there are some differences in their usage, application, and potential benefits.

Motykie Medical Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides soft tissue filler treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


Comparison between Restylane and Juvederm

Restylane and Juvederm are non-surgical treatments. Both are HA-based filler procedures that make use of HA to add volume to the skin. Restylane and Juvederm both contain lidocaine to mitigate pain during the procedure. Each brand has different formulas, which have been approved by the FDA specifically for use on the face and lips.


Restylane Silk

Restylane Silk is used in the lip area. According to the official site of the manufacturer, Restylane Silk was the first lip augmentation filler to be approved by the FDA. This filler can effectively augment lips as well as soften out lip lines.


Juvederm Ultra or Volbella XC

Juvederm comes in two forms:

Juvederm Ultra XC med spa injectable gel is designed to augment the lips. On the other hand, Juvederm Volbella XC helps mitigate vertical lip lines and adds subtle fullness to the lips.

Patients commonly experience swelling and bruising after dermal filler injections, but these side-effects typically resolve within two to three days. How long these symptoms last will depend on the treatment area.  

In case the patient is receiving treatment for lip lines, these side-effects will subside within seven days. However, with lip augmentation, the side-effects may prevail for up to two weeks.


How long does each Procedure take?

It takes only a few minutes to inject Restylane and Juvederm fillers. The patient will likely need follow-up sessions to maintain the fullness in their lips.


Restylane Duration

It takes between 15 to 60 minutes to administer a single Restylane procedure. The lip area is much smaller compared to other treatment sites. Therefore, the time taken to complete this procedure in the lip area will be on the shorter side of this spectrum. The outcomes of the filler will be apparent after a few days.


Juvederm Duration

The time taken to inject Juvederm is the same as it takes to administer a single Restylane procedure. But the Juvederm lip results are instantaneous, unlike Restylane.


Comparing Results

Restylane and Juvederm both produce smooth results due to the presence of HA which creates a plumping effect. However, Juvederm tends to last for slightly longer and offers quicker outcomes.


Restylane Outcome

The patient will likely notice the results in a few days following their Restylane Silk injectable procedure. The results of these procedures are said to start wearing off after around ten months.


Juvederm Outcome

Juvederm Ultra XC and Juvederm Volbella add fullness to the lips as well as other areas of the face almost instantaneously. The results typically last for almost a year.


Ideal Candidates

Restylane Candidates

Adults aged 21 years or above are eligible to undergo Restylane injections. The treatment may not be appropriate for individuals with a history of the below mentioned conditions:

  • Bleeding disorders
  • Inflammatory skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea
  • Allergies to lidocaine or HA


Juvederm Candidates

Juvederm is only recommended for people aged 21 years or above. Individuals with sensitivities or allergies to lidocaine or HA may not be appropriate candidates for this treatment.

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for facial filler anti-aging treatments.

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Chin Liposuction Options to Remove The Fat Double Chin

Chin Liposuction Options to Remove The Fat Double Chin | Beverly HillsChin or submental liposuction tightens the muscles under the chin. In doing so, this procedure minimizes the appearance of a double chin and enhances the contours of the chin.

In many cases, chin liposuction may be undertaken along with a neck lift, facelift, and/or chin augmentation. The combination of chin liposuction and a neck lift, facelift, and/or chin implants can make significant improvements in the overall facial appearance of a patient.

The med spa treatment provider will offer the patient in-depth information on chin liposuction during the pre-operative consultation. In addition, they will answer any questions that the patient may have regarding this procedure to enable them to develop reasonable expectations from chin liposuction.

Motykie Medical Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides chin liposuction treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.


Benefits of Chin Liposuction

  • Minimizes the appearance of Double Chin: Chin liposuction is a proven and safe procedure to eliminate the appearance of a double chin.
  • Improves the Jawline: This procedure helps create a more sculpted jawline.  
  • Reduces Neck Fat: Chin liposuction makes it easier to minimize fat in the neck area, enabling a more natural transition from the neck to the jaw line.


Chin Liposuction Recovery

It is common for patients to experience inflammation and bruising after chin liposuction. Most patients are able to resume work in one week after the procedure.

The patient will typically wear a head-wrap after double chin liposuction to keep pressure under the chin. The head-wrap helps reduce chin swelling and enables the skin to conform to the new neck contour properly.


Kybella Injections for Chin Reduction

Kybella is the first and only injectable procedure for the reduction of a double chin that has received FDA-approval.

This treatment has been a boon for thousands of patients who want to eliminate excess chin fat that creates the appearance of a double chin and adversely impacts their chin profile.

People who do not want to undergo liposuction or another surgical option may choose Kybella non-surgical med spa treatment.

Kybella has been designed to address the appearance of a double chin in a non-surgical manner. It has received approval from the FDA after extensive trials. This treatment is non-surgical yet offers patients highly effective results. Therefore, patient satisfaction rates with Kybella are quite high.


Test Outcomes

An international clinical development study was conducted to determine the efficacy of Kybella. The program spanned over 20 clinical trials with 2,600 patients worldwide.

More than 68 percent of patients reported a positive response to Kybella in pivotal Phase III studies. The patients experienced a reduction in fat in the submental area. Many patients also reported emotional benefits due to this reduction in chin fat.



The Kybella treatment plan is customized according to the specific needs of an individual patient. It is delivered through injections directly into the targeted submental fat deposits.

One Kybella session can last for nearly 15 to 20 minutes. A majority of patients will need two to four treatment sessions to accomplish desirable results. Up to six treatment sessions may be necessary in severe cases.

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for double chin reduction.

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To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood and his team please visit:

Fractional Skin Resurfacing And Skin Tightening With The Pixel Laser

Skin Resurfacing And Tightening With The Pixel Laser | Beverly HillsPixel laser skin resurfacing is a robust laser-based technology that promotes the body’s own natural healing response to mitigate the most common aging signs and rejuvenate and revitalize the appearance.

Motykie Med Spa is one of the few medical spas in the US to offer this innovative “fractional resurfacing” procedure, which uses the power of pixelated light to develop tiny thermal channels into the skin.

Motykie Medical Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides Pixel laser treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


How does it work?

Pixel laser device creates microscopic laser “hot spots” prompting the skin to generate new collagen fibers. The surrounding untreated tissue encourages effective healing, minimizes downtime, and enhances the recovery. The outcome is revitalized, rejuvenated skin that improves the patient’s inner wellness!

Pixel laser skin resurfacing is a suitable anti-aging med spa procedure for men and women seeking to enhance the overall texture and tone of their skin while achieving a more youthful, healthier appearance.

This treatment can help remove or reduce:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Signs of damage due to sun and environmental factors
  • Loose, tired skin
  • Enlarged pores
  • Acne scarring and other minor scarring
  • Skin blemishes
  • Stretch marks

Pixel can be safely administered on most body areas with minimal temporary side-effects. A majority of patients report the post-treatment sensation to be similar to that of mild sunburn. The patient will typically experience progressive improvements for up to three months after the last treatment session.


Is Pixel laser appropriate for you?

For people who answer “Yes” to any of the following questions, Pixel skin resurfacing may offer an effective skin rejuvenation solution.

  • Does your skin appear dull and tired, making you appear older than your years?
  • Have you witnessed any new fine lines or wrinkles on your face?
  • Do you see blotches or age spots from tanning or spending time in the sun?
  • Are you self-conscious about the size of your pores?
  • Are you unhappy about the appearance of acne scarring?
  • Do you have stretch marks on your thighs, abdomen, or other sites?


Pixel Laser Highlights

  • Time taken to complete the procedure ranges between 30 and 60 minutes.
  • A majority of patients experienced improvements in skin tone after their first treatment.
  • The average patient needs two to five sessions for best outcomes, depending on their specific skin needs.
  • Pixel is a safe treatment for virtually any body area, including the neck, face, arms, hands, and chest.
  • Pixel can be administered along with other lasers and cosmetic treatments.


Does it hurt?

This is a common concern among patients about Pixel resurfacing treatments. A majority of patients do not feel any significant discomfort during their Pixel treatment. Towards the end of the treatment, a mild burning sensation may occur. However, it typically lasts only for a few hours.

Many patients report that the treated skin feels similar to a sunburn for a few days. It is vital for patients to follow the post-treatment guidelines in a committed manner to maximize their comfort.


Fractional Technology

Pixel is technically called a “fractional resurfacing” laser. It is known as fractional as it only targets a fraction of the skin in the treatment site, and then prompts the body’s own healing system to complete the process of rejuvenation.

Pixel laser light goes through patented optics to penetrate the skin with tiny thermal channels, only as deep as a few sheets of paper.

The micro-dots of the treated skin areas start healing. The skin’s inner radiance and beauty shine through as the collagen remodels. Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for Pixel laser treatments.

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To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood and his team please visit:

How much do Botox injections cost in Beverly Hills?

How much do Botox injections cost in Beverly Hills? | Beverly HillsData from the American Surgery of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) indicates that Botox is the top non-surgical cosmetic procedure in the United States today. Botox was approved by the FDA for the cosmetic reduction of frown lines in 2002.

Subsequently, in 2013, Botox received FDA-approval for the cosmetic reduction of crow’s feet which radiate outwards from the outer corners of the eye.

The provider will inform the patient on various facets of Botox, including its estimated costs, at the time of the pre-treatment consultation.

The first concern of a responsible provider will be to ensure that the patient makes a well-considered decision. Motykie Medical Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, provides Botox injections to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


Cost Comparison

Botox med spa treatment may be more cost-effective in comparison to cosmetic surgery and many other types of non-surgical anti-aging facial treatments.

Botox is an in-office procedure with no requirement for anesthesia or sedation. The patient can resume their normal activities or work right after this injectable procedure.

Botox injectable treatment may be more affordable than anti-aging treatments which involve the use of ultrasound, lasers, RF, or deep chemical peels. Other anti-aging treatments may involve multiple sessions. But the patient can undergo the complete Botox treatment in a single session.

Botox is more cost-effective than other skin rejuvenation procedures for the face as it does not involve anesthesia, numerous sessions, and post-op expenses.


Cost Variation

The monetary amount of Botox may vary slightly depending on the extent of the treatment that the patient needs. Some patients only need minimal treatment for frown lines between the brows to mitigate the appearance of crow’s feet in the eye area.

Other patients may require Botox for off-label uses such as reducing the appearance of line around the mouth and nose and the treatment of wrinkles in other facial areas. The dollar amount of the medical spa procedure may be based on the volume of Botox units necessary for a specific patient or the number of treatment areas involved.


Caution on Pricing

An alarming trend that has emerged in recent times is that of Botox parties and off-site Botox treatments. Patients consider such options attracted by the low prices on offer. But it is important to understand that Botox is a powerful treatment.

The FDA advises patients to receive injections only from a trained provider to avoid the complications associated with botulinum toxin. Patients should evaluate the credentials and background of the treatment provider before undergoing Botox injections.



In general, patients will not receive insurance coverage for Botox injections. Irrespective of this, patients should discuss with their insurer prior to seeking Botox. Botox manufacturer, Allergan, Inc., provides free information on Botox insurance to patients over the phone.

The patient may consider seeking a loan from a professional medical care financing company in case they choose to undergo Botox along with other procedures.


Repeat Treatments

Patients who want to undergo repetitive Botox treatments should monitor when the movement of the facial muscle seems to be returning to its normal level.

In addition, they can visit the Botox provider for periodic assessment. The patient should consider the cost of repeat treatments if they plan on receiving Botox injections multiple times.

Motykie Med Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for Botox injectable treatment.

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To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood and his team please visit:

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Barrington, IL 60010
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