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Understanding Your Hair Restoration Options

Understanding Your Hair Restoration OptionsTreatment for hair loss will often depend on the underlying causes for the patient’s condition. An experienced med spa treatment provider will first try to determine the precise cause, and then recommend an appropriate hair restoration treatment option.

Sometimes, the provider may order blood tests to determine whether the endocrine system is functioning properly.

In rare cases, a scalp biopsy may be done. Once the hair loss cause is confirmed, the provider will discuss the hair transplant strategy with the patient.

Motykie Medical Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides SmartGraft hair restoration to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.


Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)

The FUT or the follicular unit transplant procedure involves removal of a strip of the scalp in the back of the head. The location for the stripping procedure is under the crown and between the ears.

After stripping, a microscope will be used to harvest the follicular units individually. These units will then be transplanted to the balding sites in the head.  

Incision in the donor site will be closed with sutures. The procedure is fairly invasive, and the patient will go through a considerable post-treatment recovery process. The FUT procedure also entails risks of extended numbness and significantly scarring in the back of the head.


Traditional Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular unit extraction or FUE is a more sophisticated hair transplant technique. It involves harvesting of follicular units from the same donor site one by one without the need for a major incision.

The process becomes very cumbersome and time consuming step because it must be performed meticulously in order to minimize the risk of damaging the delicate hair follicles.



SmartGraft is a unique and innovative med spa hair restoration technique that is based on the vacuum-assisted FUE technology. It automates the extraction process to a great extent while allowing the provider to maintain control. In that sense, SmartGraft has the advantages of automation as well as physical control and management of the treatment provider for best results.

A major benefit of SmartGraft is its refrigerated receptacle, which keeps the grafts moist and cool after they have been harvested with minimal manipulation. This efficient, automated process optimizes the graft survival rate for best outcomes during the transplant procedure.

The SmartGraft procedure typically takes a few hours during a treatment session. As many as 2,000 grafts (containing one to four hairs each) can be performed during a single session.


No Real Schedule Impediment

Unlike FUT, there is very little downtime associated with the SmartGraft hair restoration procedure. Most patients can expect to be back to their regular work within a few days. Patients who receive the procedure on a Thursday may expect to return to their workplace on Monday, for instance.


Timing Facts

Results of SmartGraft treatment will begin showing in a few weeks, and will become more noticeable at around six months. Full results are usually visible in about 12 to 14 months. A few patients may require a second SmartGraft procedure at six months following the initial treatment.

An experienced provider will be able to customize the SmartGraft treatment for each patient according to their specific type of hair loss and their personal aesthetic goals.

Motykie Medical Spa receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for SmartGraft hair restoration.

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Understanding Your Hair Restoration Options

To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood and his team please visit:

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Beverly Hills
9201 W. Sunset Ground Floor
West Hollywood, CA 90069
320 E. Main Street
Barrington, IL 60010
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Motykie Med Spa